यां चिन्तयामि
Post date: Jan 25, 2011 3:10:41 AM
I read following lines today on one of the blogs and I couldn't stop thinking about it. Neeti Shatakam is an excellent book, I tried to read it on Google books but still unfinished. I am surely buying this book in my upcoming India trip.
यां चिन्तयामि सततं मयि सा विरक्ता, साप्यन्यमिच्छति जनं स जनोऽन्यसक्तः।
अस्मत्कृते च परितुष्यति काचिदन्या, धिक् तां च तं च मदनं च इमां च मां च॥ - भर्तृहरि
(मैं अपने चित्त में रात दिन जिसकी स्मृति सँजोये रखता हूँ वो मुझसे प्रेम नहीं करती, वो किसी और पुरुष पर मुग्ध है। वह पुरुष किसी अन्य स्त्री में आसक्त है। उर पुरुष की अभिलाषित स्त्री मुझपर प्रसन्न है। इसलिए रानी को, रानी द्वारा चाहे हुए पुरुष को, उस पुरुष की चाहिए हुई वेश्या को तथा मुझे धिक्कार है और सबसे अधिक कामदेव को धिक्कार है जिसने यह सारा कुचक्र चलाया। )
This is supposed to be the incident which lead Bhartrihari (then king of Ujjain) to Vairagya. Legend says that he received a celetial fruit which he gave to his beloved wife. She was in love with someone else so She gave it to her love, That person again passed it to a prostitute and the prostitute gave it back to king again. As the fruit completed this cycle Bhartrihari learned about the infidelity of world around him. He left the kingdom and turned into an ascetic.