Senseless Emotions

Post date: Jan 18, 2011 10:57:18 PM

A few months back...

I shouted 'why can't you keep you nails smaller? you just scraped the skin off my finger.'

She said sorry ! sorry ! sorry! and went away. A few moments later she came back with a bandage. I started laughing and said I was just joking but I took it and kept in my wallet. Since then it is in my wallet.


My finger got hurt while opening the door and turned red with blood. I went to washroom, washed my finger, dried it and thought to apply that same bandage.


I kept it back.

I know my finger will recover without any medication or if not, I will buy a new one. but I don't want to lose the memories which gets refreshed every-time I open my wallet !

that's called an emotional senseless fool :)