Gifts for family members
Post date: Jan 31, 2011 10:28:57 PM
I am going home in the next few weeks. This is 6th time I will go back home from abroad. Generally, I never buy any gifts for anyone in my family. I don't know what to buy. I see my friends going back with bags full of stuff... something for everyone they know. Family members, relatives, friends... But I almost always go empty-handed. To me, love is not defined by gifts. The day I reach my home its the best day for my parents. The moment they see me, they want to know If I look healthy and fit. They want to know if I bought anything new for myself or not. I don't understand the point of purchasing useless gifts. A genuine relationship flourishes without any gifts, and if relationships are not genuine, does it matter if we buy gifts?
I feel gifts are for those relationships which don't have any future! Mechanical or distant relationships...
I may be wrong, but that's how it works in my case. It is better to go to a shop and swipe your credit card for whatever your beloved ones like rather than buying mostly useless gifts for them.
So, If I don't buy a gift for you, that means I value you either like my family member or I don't know you ! the ones not in these two categories can expect something from me. :)