Do your best !
Post date: Nov 21, 2011 1:42:36 AM
It is from the days when my friend was confused about whether to go for an MBA or not! While discussing, I gave him an example "If you are best in your field, then you don't need to worry which field you are in! Say, If you are a grass-cutter... then cut grass in such a way that every person passing by feels that someone has done an excellent job cutting this grass field! "
"...but what I will get as a grass-cutter? "
"What if you get a contract for golf courses? and do you know that the number of golf courses are highest in India compared to any other country ! and to add that there is less competition if you are smart and chose to be a grass-cutter! "
ghaas chhilna utna bura bhi kahan ! yadi dhang se chhilne waala ho to :)