...and some unknown components
Post date: Dec 29, 2011 10:36:26 PM
We all have families and friends... a set of close people.
Have you ever thought of 'why we love some of them more than the rest...? why we feel more comfortable talking and sharing things with some of them than we do with others?'
A special bonding... made of respect, love, and friendliness... and with some unknown components all in different proportions. This bonding defines how we behave with them. I can think of many people... some of them score more on respect, others on friendliness, some on love... and some... I don't know!
Strangely, we develop some relationships very quickly and very deep. We don't need to think or do anything for that. It happens so naturally. In some cases, we don't know why!
Out of a lot of similar people, we get along with one or two ! maybe there is a reason for that, but I don't think it can be defined ! at least It's not - "they always understand us". Sometimes we keep explaining things which they don't understand at all! But we feel comfortable explaining things to them...
I think in some deep relationships, unknown components of special bonding dominate!